Thursday 29 September 2011

I love the post lady....

The post lady has made me smile today. I finished the baby quilt last night and was wondering what to do next..... And today the post lady has bought the quilt panel - Disney Cars. Im so excited. Going to make this fit a single bed. I already have the black and white check material to go with it - cant wait!!!

its all done.....

Completed the baby quilt lst night. I am so impressed with it. Got a few ruffles on the back, but for my 1st big quilt (single bed size) i am so pleased. Will take some proper pictures later but here's just a few of it coming together!

Monday 19 September 2011

Its growing nicley

I am fed up of Jack being poorly now. He had his imunisations 2 weeks ago now and he's still not recovered from them. Cough and cold and generally miserable. I cant cope with the 5am get ups!!

However dispite feeling exhausted, ive managed some time to work on the baby quilt and I'm thrilled so far with hows its growing.

trying to decide the border and if i needed any more picture patches

this is it. all patches sewn together.
I decided the quilt needed to be bigger. I want this to be used for a few years. So I just managed to get enough material to do 3 more squares. After sewing it all together i've now hung it up with the fleece backing. Im just admiring my work tbh!!!! Just the border now and praying i have enough.

During the last few nights I have also made 2 heart shaped lavendar bags for a friends birthday - just a one night job!!!

I've made a little box for them to sit in with a nice ribbon around! Hope she likes them.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Post Lady bought presents!!

Look what the post lady just bought me! I spend hours looking on Eay for material. This is actually a bed sheet and is in great condition. I have big plans for this and need to get as much out of the fabric as I can. It going to be for 3 xmas presents!! Not sure if pillows or quilt yet?

Best go - its the weekend and hubbys not got to go to work - only weekend off until the half term in october :-(

Friday 16 September 2011

Thank goodness for the weekend

It has been a long full week with Katie at school and Jack poorly! I'm not 100% myself, but us moms have to push through and just get on with it.  Saw a friend in the village today and she said how wonderful I looked - made me smile. Yes I beleive in Weight Watchers. Its working for me and I've lost 24lbs so far. However a good thing keeping me out of the cupboards at the moment is Xmas is 14 weeks away and I've got lots of projects to finish and start for present for people.

I didn't do much last night as I was so tired. This is going to be a cushion shaped dog. Again this will be a Xmas present. I cant wait to finish it like all the other project I'm doing!

I did manage today to spend some time on the baby duvet - Jack was sound asleep and I had no house work left to do other than hoover!! I didn't want to wake Jack up did I?!!!!!

9 squares
Border or not ?

 I decided that I want this quilt to be used and therefore I've done it on the machine. Also I know that babies out grow cots so I making it fit a single bed. Its really challenging and I want to spend more time on it, but with kids a husband and a house to run its hard. But I'm glad of the time i do find!

Thursday 15 September 2011

1st post

This is my 1st post on my new blog. Still not sure who and why people would look at this but I'm writting it anyway!! This has to be the toughest week yet with a 4 year old. Full week at school - new swimming class on a Thursday and a poorly 1 year old. Exhausted doesnt come close, hence ive done no quilting today :-(

This is a close up of the tea cozie Ive made for my mom and dads caravan. I enjoyed making this although I am still learning. My sewing machine was playing up a little and on the one side my zig zags dont seem to work, but my moms pleased with it!!  I have also completed another tea cozie for some friends for christmas. It has VW beetles on and its brilliant - better than my moms! I guess im getting better each time i do something new?!

So this is the one im working on now an I have to say Ive had to try and take my time. I love it. Filling me up with happiness as I see it grow. Once I have completed the 9 squares I will then decide on border etc. I want to put the childs name on the quilt so lots of ideas to push around!